Friday, June 23, 2017

Updating My Blog!

Hello and welcome to The Scraps of My Life!
I am finally trying to get back to my sorely, neglected blog. I am giving it a bit of a new face lift, so be patient with me as I try. I luv to blog because I love to write. So, I hope to do more from here on out. It may get a bit confusing, because I have also started a written journal, which I love doing as well.
I have moved back to our home, which did not sell, and am trying slowly to pull some resemblance of my life back together.
I have re-joined the you tube scene in hopes of having a way to share a bit of myself with those who
seem to be interested in my same interests, but I am still finding, that after being gone for several years, it is pretty much as I left it sadly. But! I think I have come across a few real people and hope to find more.
I have thoroughly enjoyed all of the old/new junk journal shares and look forward to many more to come.
I have made and published a few new videos on my you tube channel should you like to take a gander at them, they are there for all to view.
I have a few ideas in my noggin, some I have started, and some are still just jotted down ideas. So, much to come just not as quickly as I would like.
I could continue on with more updates, but I think I will save them for another post!
Thanks so much for stopping in and I hope you have a blessed and prosperous life ahead!

Updating My Blog!

Hello and welcome to The Scraps of My Life! I am finally trying to get back to my sorely, neglected blog. I am giving it a bit of a new ...