Thursday, May 2, 2024

Home Remedies - Barbara O'Neill

A Better Way? Yes, the Natural Way.

     Something that is said to be natural, or feels natural, is something that is not hard to obtain
achieve, or do because it is naturally done.
Natural is defined as, in accordance with nature; relating to or concerning nature

Proverbs 25:11-12 reads,
verse11. A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.
verse12. As an earring of gold, and an ornament of fine gold, so is a wise
reprover upon an obedient ear.
     These are the words that came to my thoughts as I went to share such profound, prolific
knowledge and wisdom given by this diligent lady who has successfully shown a true
and bright light in the darkness of those of us who know there must be a better way to
help and cure our physical ills, yet we do not contain the knowledge nor discernment
to improveand help our present ailments.
     This dear lady, Barbara O’Neill has, through the sharing of her knowledge, has helped me
begin a new chapter toward health in my life today, and I know that if I am willing to put in 
the effort that it will take, I will receive the benefits of a more healthful and abundant life as 
God intends for us to have in this world, and yes, I believe even with all of the negative impacts of the toxicities that are all around us.
     A quick disclaimer here, I think that is what it should be called, If you do a Quick Look up on Wikipedia under Barbara’s name, you will see some pretty harsh accusations like, "Dangerous and unsubstantiated alternative medicine claims,” but as the majority of the public know today, natural medicine is real and through proper diet and exercise, we can live a more productive, healthy, and longer life, and that is all I am going to say about this subject because I am not here to defend nor examine anyone, only the knowledge and teachings given.
He that has ears, let him hear truth. I am sharing this for the knowledge of those, who may be like me, struggling still with stomach issues, unexplained weight gain, aches, pains, etc. that I know I should not have and refuse to tolerate.
     May you all prosper in good health going forward. Thanks for stopping by.
Below I am posting some direct links to access Barbara on You Tube and via her website.

🌱 Misty Mountain Retreat

Home Remedies - Barbara O'Neill

A Better Way? Yes, the Natural Way.       Something that is said to be natural, or feels natural, is something that is not hard to obtain ac...