Saturday, March 10, 2012

My Very First Written Tutorial is Completed!!

Though it seems like such a long time since I stated that I wanted to make video tutorials, but it just never seemed to work out like I thought it should. They just didn't seem to be professional enough in my opinion. So, I had someone to ask me to make them a kit for my Vintage Style 8x8 School Album. I thought that I would be able to use the class I had done on Ustream for the instructions for this kit but as I began to watch the recording back I realized that I had made a different sized album than the original I had made. So, I decided to write a tutorial for the album. When I started out I thought I would have it completed within a week tops! But, I actually just finished it up on Friday. I had been working on this tutorial more than two weeks! Any ways it is finished and I really enjoyed every minute of putting it together!! It has bunches of detailed pictures and I also created a few printables just for the pattern! It was so much fun! I am excited to get started on my next one! It is going to be very, very special. For now, I hope that you will take a look at it over in "The Scraps of My Life Boutique!" 
Okie Dokie! Thanks for stoppin' in!
Happy Scrappin' Everyone!


  1. Such a great idea Julie that your doing tutorials for always put so much thought into you kits...and love your ideas....
    and your trademark....tons of pockets! so fun....
    So fun to see that we are able to have the directions this way too!

  2. LOL! I knew it when I clicked on the comment button that the comment would be by you :o) I do so much appreciate your comments and encouraging words. Hope you are having a wonderful day!


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